• 主页 > 心情说说 > 中英文复活节祝福语带图片2020复活节英文祝福语经典


    心情说说 2022-12-22

    1.复活节,愿黎明的阳光复活你心中的明朗,驱逐你心中的彷徨。Easter, may the sunshine of the dawn revive the brightness in your heart and expel the hesitation in your heart.

    2.复活节,愿您好运连连,幸福绵绵!Wishing you good luck and happiness throughout Easter.

    3.复活节,褪去烦恼的枷锁,展开幸福的蝶翼,徜徉快乐的海洋!Easter, faded from the chains of trouble, spread the happy butterfly wings, and roam the joyful sea!

    4.愿你万事顺心,好运当头,复活节快乐。Wishing you all the best, good luck and a happy Easter.

    5.复活节到了,别失落于离开的黯然,记得还有复活的美好。Easter is coming. Don't be lost in the gloom of leaving. Remember the beauty of resurrection.

    6.复活节,愿你拥抱开心,舒心相伴!On Easter, may you embrace and be happy.

    7.复活节,唤醒所有的希望,明天会是不一样的色彩。Easter, wake up all hope, tomorrow will be different colors.

    8.复活节到了,愿你的每一天都快快乐乐,蓬蓬勃勃!Easter is coming. May every day of your life be happy and prosperous!

    9.今天是复活节,愿你唤醒所有的美好,天天欢乐开心!Today is Easter, may you wake up all the good, happy every day!

    10.复活节,历练简约坚强,体验和煦阳光!Easter, simple and strong experience, experience and warm sunshine!

    11.复活节,让我们脱胎换骨,第一次就把事情做的正确。祝您成功!Easter, let's change our minds and do things right the first time. Wish you success!

    12.愿你一路阳光向前方,美丽心情总芬芳!May the sun shine all the way ahead and the beautiful mood always fragrant!

    13.复活节到了,抛弃烦恼,和幸福亲密拥抱!Easter is here. Let go of trouble and embrace happiness.

    14.复活节,愿你希望长生,理想永存,幸福久贮。On Easter, may you hope to live forever, and live forever.


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